United Federation of Planets

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This article is official Pegasus Fleet canon.
United Federation of Planets
Basic information
Major Species



2161 CE

Warp Capable
  • Humans - 2063 CE
  • Vulcans - Before 850 BCE
Official Language

Federation Standard (English)

Official Currency

Federation Credit

Political Information

Federal Republic

  • President of the Federation
  • Federation Council
  • Federation Supreme Court
  • Starfleet Command
Military Branches


The United Federation of Planets (also known as the UFP or the Federation) is a union of interstellar powers, planets, and peoples operating under a democratic central government. It is committed to principles of peace and cooperation, coming together for scientific development, mutual aid, and military protection.

Size and Location

As of the 2390s, the Federation encompasses over 8,000 light-years spanning both the Alpha and Beta Quadrants, and includes over one-hundred fifty member worlds, nearly one thousand semi-autonomous colonies, and numerous other protectorates. Most of these members are distinct species and cultures united under the Federation’s government and principles. However, some of the more powerful early colonies have also established themselves as individual members in their own right with separate and distinct interests.

Because of its size, the Federation shares a border with every major power of both quadrants, as well as many of the lesser powers.


The seeds for the Federation were planted in 2151 with the formation of the Coalition of Planets, a loose alliance of Alpha and Beta Quadrant powers that included Earth, Vulcan, Andoria, and Tellar Prime. This was prompted largely by two factors - the entrance of the diplomatic humans onto the interstellar stage and aggressive action on the part of Romulan agents seeking to disrupt the developing ties among these powers.

Ten years later, the Federation was founded in San Francisco on Earth. It had been a hard-won achievement. The United Earth Commonwealth had only recently emerged from a long war with the Romulan Star Empire, one which had only been brought to a close with the assistance of its coalition allies. These powers were also in relative proximity to the Klingon Empire, known even at that time for its belligerent attitude toward its neighbors. Thus, the fledgling Federation was motivated by mutual defense as much as cooperation in science and economics.

Other galactic powers would challenge the ascendant Federation over the coming decades and centuries. As expansion brought in more worlds and more territory, it also brought conflict with those who did not share their principles of cooperation. Most notable among these have been multiple clashes with the Klingon Empire in the 23rd century, the long cold war with the Romulan Star Empire, and decades of intermittent violence with the Cardassian Union in the 24th century.

Despite the long shadows cast by these conflicts, they were outshined by the eras of peaceful exploration and diplomacy. Whether in the early days of the Federation’s founding, the mid-23rd century pioneers, or the golden age of exploration that lasted for much of the early 24th century, the desire to “explore strange new worlds” and to “seek out new life and new civilizations” were major driving forces. And the Federation defined itself (and Starfleet) by those principles for two hundred years.

That all changed in 2365 when the Federation encountered the Borg Collective. One of the most destructive forces in the galaxy, the Borg appeared to be almost unstoppable. They invaded the Federation twice in less than a decade at the cost of thousands of lives. They struck fear into Federation leadership. This was an enemy who could not be reasoned with through diplomacy, as had been achieved with the Klingons and even the Romulans.

Within months of their first encounter, Starfleet began a militarization effort unlike anything that had been seen in almost a century. New technologies and new classes of starship rolled off the production lines. All of this served to better prepare the Federation, not only for encounters with the Borg, but also for another threat that was emerging - the Dominion. Once again, they were faced with an enemy that did not seem swayed by overtures of peace and diplomacy, something which became even more apparent when the Dominion joined forces with the Cardassian Union in an effort to take over the Alpha Quadrant.

Although the Federation was more equipped for warfare, both psychologically and militarily, than they had been ten years prior, it took an alliance with the Klingon Empire and the Romulan Star Empire to meet this new threat. And even then, it came at great cost. Several member worlds experienced periods of occupation by the Dominion, entire fleets were devastated or destroyed, and Starfleet Command itself came under fire when the Breen Confederacy launched a surprise attack on Earth.

The aftermath saw the Federation committed to robust cooperation with its new allies as well as old enemies, going so far as to take a leading role in helping rebuild the devastated Cardassian Union. Diplomatic intervention was at its highest, with the Federation intent on maintaining the balance of power while also making new in-roads and positive relations. This determination was put to the test time and time again, most notably when the impending supernova of the Romulan sun was discovered and the Federation was called upon to assist the Romulan Star Empire with evacuating its citizens in time.

Not everyone was pleased with this new post-war emphasis. Member worlds were wary of how the Federation’s expansion and Starfleet’s ventures had exposed them to new threats, such as the Borg and the Dominion, threats which might never have been found without the deep space exploration. At the same time, old resentments and self-interests began bubbling up once more. Eventually, fourteen members issued formal objections, citing concern over the vast dedication of resources and redirection of border defenses being allocated to the evacuation efforts.

While these objections certainly created political issues for Federation leadership and Starfleet, they did not stop the evacuation or the reconstruction. But something happened on First Contact Day of 2385 that did. The network of synthetic workers on Mars suddenly turned on the workers and populace. Over 90,000 casualties were sustained, the evacuation fleet was destroyed, and the atmosphere of Mars set ablaze. Not only was the evacuation abandoned, but the Federation Council imposed a ban on creating or researching artificial life.

In the years immediately following, the Federation withdrew many of its aid programs, such as phasing out reconstruction efforts on Cardassia, and reduced its diplomatic involvement in other powers beyond maintaining peace and stability. Their focus turned inward, toward maintaining the interests and protection of member worlds.

Things in recent years have slowly begun to change, as evidenced by the election of Iden Morr as President in 2393 and Starfleet’s launch of the Delta Quadrant Exploratory Group, but the events of the mid-2380s still cast a long shadow. Many of the colonies and worlds closest to the border where Starfleet’s withdrawals were most keenly felt continue to experience hardship. For them, the Federation remains largely insular and disengaged.


The Federation government consists of three distinct branches: the executive, the legislature, and the judiciary. Their responsibilities are laid out in the Constitution of the United Federation of Planets.

The head of state and government is the Federation President, a democratically elected official who oversees most of the Federation’s foreign policy and economy, and acts as supreme commander of the Federation’s forces. They are aided by the Federation Cabinet, an advisory body and the leaders of the Federation’s extensive government departments. The executive is based out of the Palais de la Concorde in Paris, Earth.

The Federation Council is the single legislative body and is made up of representatives from every member world. The Council has the power to create, amend, and ratify Federation law. They also greatly influence Starfleet and its mission. The council’s meeting chambers are in San Francisco, Earth.

Finally, the judiciary consists of a hierarchy of courts, headed by the Federation Supreme Court. Panels of Federation citizens serve as jurors as attorneys present their cases to either defend the accused’s innocence or contest it.


Admittance into the Federation comes as a result of either invitation or successful petition of a world or civilization that wants to join. In either situation, Federation membership is granted only upon completion of certain requirements.

First, the government of a prospective member must submit documentation to the Federation Council, stating its desire to join. A world must be sufficiently advanced, enough so as to join the galactic community (e.g. faster-than-light travel and/or communication). The world must also have a single, stable, planetary government that respects the rights of individuals as well as the diversity of political and social beliefs.

A lengthy investigation of the candidate's culture follows. This scrutiny often includes unfettered access to government and public records to determine if the culture genuinely shares the values of the Federation, which could take up to several years to complete. That said, the Federation commits to an admittance process that includes a timetable to which the Federation itself is also accountable so as to not stymie the continued development of the candidate’s culture.


In addition to providing a framework for governance, the Constitution of the Federation includes what are referred to as “the Guarantees”. These represent the ethics of the Federation and its citizens, and enshrine the rights to which the Federation believes all sentient beings are entitled. Among them are commitments to treating all life with dignity, to sharing what they have, and to collectively uplifting one another.

It is precisely because of these principles, and the abundant sharing of resources, that nearly all citizens of the Federation enjoy a comfortable standard of living. They are motivated more by an ideology of cooperation rather than material gain or a need for survival and comfort. This means people are able to engage their own interests and passions, and to contribute to the well-being of themselves, others, and society as a whole. Artists, scholars, and those of similar professions may pursue their work or knowledge freely, without needing to produce marketable goods or acquire patronage or funding.

Although everyone is encouraged to attain their potential wherever it may be, Federation society seems to place a particular value on those who dedicate themselves to helping others, be it through community service or advancing knowledge.

While being members of the Federation commits one to these principles, there is always variety and diversity among the cultures and perspectives of those who make up its citizenry. This is considered to be a strength, rather than a weakness, as demonstrated by the numerous ways in which it has empowered the Federation and enabled them to achieve great things. Thus, the Federation values the ways they are different as much as they have found common cause.

That being said, there are those who feel the high ideals and values of the Federation appear to have taken a tumble in recent decades. Repeated invasions by the Borg and the Dominion, the synth attack on Mars, and withdrawals from areas of high need have left many on the margins feeling abandoned and vulnerable to outside threat.


The most formal militarized bodies of the Federation are those of individual member worlds, most of which originated in the navies from before their membership, and often retain their own unique cultures and practices. Each member world uses these forces to maintain its own routine protection, with production of ships and weapons supplemented by old Starfleet vessels.

In practice, these forces usually contend with local security threats (e.g. pirates) and lend aid to travelers who might be in distress. In case of a sudden attack, they are the most immediate and easily-rallied defense, however they do not participate in operations beyond their jurisdictions.

Defense for the Federation as a whole (and against serious threats) is provided by Starfleet. It is generally understood that Starfleet is primarily a scientific organization, dedicated to the work of peaceful exploration. But the dangers of the wider galaxy, which have been much more readily apparent in recent decades, necessitate that Starfleet ships be armed, and their crews trained and ready for danger.

Indeed, most Starfleet crews are known for being highly cohesive and exceptionally well-trained. Ships, stations, and other facilities are usually at the cutting edge of technology for the Alpha or Beta Quadrants. And commanding officers are expected to pursue any and all possible avenues for peaceful resolution before resorting to violence. While some would argue that this culture of diplomacy has been undermined by existential threats of recent years, official Starfleet practice has not changed.

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