Template talk:Military

Revision as of 18:43, 10 February 2013 by FruitLoop (talk | contribs) (Command Staff)
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Command Staff

Recommend that we remove the 'command staff' part of this template - it's very difficult to get such things to be generic enough for this template not to become overly complicated (and terms such as 'commandant' and such are not universally applicable), and the pages that don't use that section of the template at all get stuck with the 'Command Staff' heading making the articles look a bit unfinished.

Perhaps for pages where we want that information on the page, we can copy this into a sub-template (e.g. Template:Military/SFMC) in order to have a more customised version for that page? -Krace 11:42, 10 February 2013 (UTC)

That sounds like a good idea. However, I would want the rest of the departments of Starfleet to be included in that subtemplate, such as Starfleet Med, the Academy, etc, so the main Starfleet and SFMC are not the only ones with Command Staff. -FruitLoop 1843, 10 February 2013