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While it is true that if the Dalacari were any more laid back that they'd need a wellness check, they do enjoy an awful lot of the finer things in life. Art and music, shows and cinema, with a lifestyle where all the menial tasks are handled for them they have more time to devote to their leisure. Dalacari sports come in two distinctions: Contact and Non-Contact. Contact sports are entirely drone participation, making it less about individual player skill and more about the skill of the coaches and strategy of the sideline operators. Non-Contact sports are the kind the Dalacari participate in, and are very much like Golf. Oddly enough another past-time that Dalacari enjoy is range shooting. The feel of firing a firearm is something that most Dalacari find intriguing or exciting and to be able to do so with no true risk is always a plus.
While it is true that if the Dalacari were any more laid back that they'd need a wellness check, they do enjoy an awful lot of the finer things in life. Art and music, shows and cinema, with a lifestyle where all the menial tasks are handled for them they have more time to devote to their leisure. Dalacari sports come in two distinctions: Contact and Non-Contact. Contact sports are entirely drone participation, making it less about individual player skill and more about the skill of the coaches and strategy of the sideline operators. Non-Contact sports are the kind the Dalacari participate in, and are very much like Golf. Oddly enough another past-time that Dalacari enjoy is range shooting. The feel of firing a firearm is something that most Dalacari find intriguing or exciting and to be able to do so with no true risk is always a plus.
Currently the most widely watched sport in all of the Republic is a sport called '''"Fling"''', a deceptively simple game with a ton of talent and strategy behind it. Fling is a game played on vast, beautiful courses with a designated start and a cage at the end. The game is played with hardened plastic flat disks a centimeter in thickness and about twelve centimeters in diameter. The rules are simple: Get the disk into the cage. Courses range in length from twenty five to one hundred meters, and have various forms of terrain spaced around in a pleasant display. The objective is to complete each course in the lowest number of throws, calculating in penalties for landing in certain terrain.
Each player throws their Fling Disk from the starting area, allowing to take up to one full step to build up momentum. From there, disks are thrown from where they land. Flingers are allowed to take a step before they throw until they are within ten meters of the cage, in which case they must remain all feet on the field. Landing in the various terrain imposes penalties. Landing in the green imposes nothing. Sand adds a penalty. Landing in the water imposes a penalty and the Fling Disk must be thrown from the shortest distance from where it landed. Throwing out of bounds is heavily frowned upon as it might hurt someone, and thus imposes twice the penalty.
After the initial throw, play begins from the Fling Disk furthest away from the cage, then the next furthest, and so on until everyone has had their second toss. Then the order is recalculated again. Fling is usually played on either 7 or 14 track courses, with championships having 21 tracks. Due to the vast amount of land required to host Fling, these courses are also either nature preserves or protected parks for community use. While not in use for competitive play, parks will limit Fling players to the first three tracks, and will place markers and assistant drones at the edges to warn passers by that there is a game in session and to watch for flying disks.
==Science and Technology==
==Science and Technology==

Latest revision as of 01:47, 15 June 2024

This article is official Pegasus Fleet canon.

Scientific Classification: Dalacaris Duocorperus Unanimo

Dalacari Avatar Tail.gif
Survey Data
Star System:



Delta Quadrant


Class M

Political Information




Political System:



5.8 billion

Biological Information

Binary Humanoid

Atmosphere type:

Oxygen / Nitrogen mix

Development Stage:




Typical Lifespan:

Typical Lifespan - 120 yrs

Number of Eyes:

2 per bioform

Empathic species:


Telepathic species:

Limited (See Below)

[ Source ]


  • Planetary Data
  • Class: M Class Planet
  • Type: Planet
  • Native Species: Dalacari
  • Location: Delta Quadrant
  • Day / Night Cycle: 36 Earth Hours
  • Year Cycle: 376 Earth Days
  • Satellites: Two
  • Affiliation: Ally. (United Federation of Planets)
  • Gravity: 1.3 Earth Standard
  • Equatorial Radius: 8,719.6 km

Dalacar is a large planet possessed of a rich and a diverse biosphere. Only 45% of its surface is water, leaving plenty of room for the indiginous lifeforms to roam. Diverse and rich landscapes ranging from deserts to frozen tundras detail its surface, while topography from forests to mountain ranges create beautiful vistas to enjoy while sightseeing. Due to a very minor axial tilt, seasons are very mild and the transition from one to the next is sometimes difficult to notice.


The Dalacari are a republic. Elected officials represent various states and districts in all major positions of power. Governors, Senators, etc. Though there is no position of president or any other singular position of authority. Though there is a singular building to house the upper tier of elected officials.

The Dalacari republic spans twelve worlds. In order for a world to be considered for habitation there can be no other indigenous sentient life on it. Dalacari respect the sovereignty of existing life. Plus if relations turned sour the Dalacari don't like to consider war or genocide.


Dalacari bear a resemblance to an evolved and humanoid version of the Earth creature known as an 'ermine'. Possessing lithe, muscular forms with males showing slightly more bulk and definition, and a thick furred tail trailing behind them to aid in balance. Their hands and feet end in vestigial claws, though their sharp teeth and forward facing eyes show a predatory ancestry. Fur color tends to favor the lighter end of the spectrum. Dark colored Dalacari are rare, but not unheard of.

A Dalacari's vision and hearing are no better or worse than the standard Human's perception, though their sense of smell is much sharper. The reputation of a Dalacari's perceptiveness is more earned because there are two points of view, rather than any actual acute senses.

The Narada Vash, in a simulation of its native environment
Dalacari are a binary lifeform. They evolved from swarm predators known as the Narada Vash, roughly translated to 'Fog of Teeth'. Narada Vash are swarm mentality predators roughly half a meter long, with half a meter of tail behind them. As they became more advanced, the swarm lessened in number until sentience emerged and the 'swarm' dwindled down to just a pair. Narada still exist on Dalacar today, and Dalacari report that they feel odd and lightheaded around them, like there's still a primal connection. This is all superstition, and there's yet to be any medical evidence of any vestigial link. Still, any Narada housed in zoos are kept slightly further away from the patrons than other exhibits. Just to be safe. Like many of the species in the universe that evolved from creatures that still are alive, there's no familiarity or curiosity from the lesser advanced half's standpoint: A Dalacari stranded in the native environment of the Narada Vash is just as much a target as any other creature out there.

Dalacari are always born in pairs, and those pairs are linked through a low-level telepathic bond: Each twin in the pairing is half of the whole. A Dalacari is always composed of two parts, and each part can think and feel and act though usually a Dalacari prefers to keep each of its bioforms within a certain range of the other. Information known to one bioform is accessable by the other as each half shares memories and experiences. This also means sensations, and if one bioform is injured the other will also feel the injury though they will not sympathetically sustain it. When one of the two bioforms is rendered unconscious the other will remain with it but will be very timid, almost withdrawn. This lack of completeness bothers them greatly. Should one die, the remaining bioform is referred to as a Single Dalacari.

Dalacari are completely infertile outside of their own species. This isn't just a biological aspect; they find the prospect of a Dalacari bearing a Single child to be fundamentally wrong. Any single child detected during a Dalacari pregnancy, or a third child in the case of multiple offspring, will invariably be terminated extremely early in the pregnancy.

One of the more jarring concepts concerning interaction with a Dalacari is their focus shift. At any given point in time one of the two bioforms is considered Dominant. That twin will be the twin to initiate conversation or any other form of action. At some point during the conversation, or at some point during the activity the dominant twin may simply switch to the other bioform. During activities this usually won't hinder or affect anything, as each twin is capable of performing independent tasks. During a conversation though, this means that the speaking twin might actually just stop talking completely, while the newly dominant twin will pick up the conversation without missing a beat.


Dalacari are very aware of how fragile they are, and have placed safety and defense as their highest social priorities. Health and injury management, pain mitigation, and therapy are among their highest concerns both for their own people and for any visitors. Most of their medical breakthroughs cover care and compassion for Single Dalacari. With the loss of half their senses and an emptiness in all their thoughts and memories from the moment of loss on, such creatures become incredibly withdrawn, isolated, and clinically depressed. Special institutes exist to care for them as best they can.

Some Single Dalacari, though, become homicidal in their loss. They attack other Dalacari, insisting on forcing their pain in others.

Dalacari healthcare is second to none. Single Dalacari that spiral into depression are given expert care. Nurse staff are advised to dress each bioform distinctly and have different names that each answer to. They keep their answers short to avoid triggering a focus shift, but a few with enough experience can hold a short conversation without a focus shift.

Every possible method of injury prevention and safety training method has, at some form or another, been designed and implimented into Dalacari society. This initially started with the invention of drone robots to handle dangerous tasks, and the number of tasks deemed 'Drone Only' has increased over the past two hundred years. Transportation, hazardous waste disposal, and even military applications are now almost entirely dominated by drones. While some may not approve of the effect this has on the workforce, none will argue that it hasn't made Dalacari life safer.

A term adapted for use by Dalacari is 'Ghosting', taking to mean a Dalacari who's bioforms wandered too far for comfort. Most Dalacari are comfortable with about 5 meters of distance at maximum between their bioforms, provided there's still line of sight. When this distance is exceeded, the Dalacari becomes uncomfortable, even fidgity. During this time, the Dalacari will often describe themselves as 'hollow, thin, almost like a ghost. Maybe even two ghosts.', until the two bioforms are brought back to a comforting distance. While separated, Dalacari bioforms will almost reflexively try to travel to the last location where they remember both bioforms being present.

Needing all the room they can get, Dalacari do not bury their dead. The deceased are cremated separately, and their ashes mixed with glass to form two spheres which are used to remember the deceased. Unless the family is particularly religious, these baubles are simply displayed on shelves. In the event of a Dalacari becoming Single, it's considered bad luck to display the single funerary sphere until the Remaining Dalacari has passed. Usually, the solitary sphere is kept in a closed cabinet, but never someplace remote or in 'storage'.


The Dalacari unit of currency is the eBit, a purely electronic form of currency. Tracked throughout the Republic though systems that are more closely regulated than even personal information or medical histories, the eBit is relatively powerful in a sufficiently advanced market but due to it having no tangible form is difficult to trade in with societies that don't have the concept of cryptocurrency. For matters such as that, Dalacari also trade in, well... matter. They use cubes of what they call Matter 76 as trade currency for replicators, fabricators, or simply to use as tangible currency for societies that don't have the capacity to trade in the eBit. Matter 76 is the term for Osmium, a highly valued rare earth element represented on the Terran periodic table by its 76 proton count. For more information, consult the primer on Currencies of the Delta Quadrant


Due to space constraints and the size of a Dalacari family, households are limited to three Dalacari without some degree of prior authorization from the regional housing and resources committies. Considering that 'Three Dalacari' are six bioforms, space becomes a premium resource quickly on any world housing Dalacari.


Dalacari have a monothesitic religion, centering around a singular Dalacari form that consists of a Male Bioform and a Female Bioform. This arrangement is impossible in the Dalacari genome, and exists purely as a theoretical divine figure. Simply referenced as 'Dia', the individual bioforms are not given any further identification (Much like any other Dalacari form). Reverence varies among each Dalacari, from devout worship to lip service, though there is no stigma to having less faith than others. Marriage ceremonies held in churches are grand events. To symbolize a married couple, each bioform wears a bracelet that matches the others in some aesthetic. Though, should one of the couple become Single through injury or accident, the custom is to remove one bracelet. A Dalacari wearing a bracelet on both bioforms is to be cherished and congratulated, while a Dalacari wearing a bracelet on only one bioform has a spouse that has suffered one of the greatest losses.

Single Dalacari tend to amplify their feelings towards Dia, with the more devout becoming almost fanatical while those with little time for prayer becoming borderline atheist, or even demonstrating nihilist qualities.

Death for Dalacari is only a religious event if the Dalacari and their family are particularly religious. If they are, then the glass funeral baubles of fallen Dalacari are presented in an ornamental cabinet. Otherwise, they're on a shelf or a mantle. Regardless of religious piousness, they're never hidden or put away in boxes.


The Dalacari native tongue is a nightmare for non-Dalacari lifeforms. It consists of words and phrases, as any other language should, but both bioforms become active in its speech. Fortunately, Starfleet linguistics decyphered the Dalacari language and added it to the linguistics database. Any Dalacari looking to work in the field outside of Dalacari holdings takes the time to at least learn a passing conversation level of the dominant language.


Dalacari are described as primarily carnivores, with omnivore seasoning. A majority of their diet comes in the form of meats of various form supplemented with vegetable and other food matter. Replicator technology has aided in allowing larger concentrations of Dalacari to settle without putting too much of a strain on the local biosphere. Many Dalacari delicacies exist as two separate dishes that cannot be truly appreciated unless both are eaten at once.

Of note is their version of coffee, known simply as svarta. It's exactly like Earth coffee, except it's blue. Other favorites include the Kalawam, the Slidewinder, and the Midnight Sunset. Each are described as fruity beverages that can be prepared with or without alcohol. Alcohol, according to the guide, is a colorless volatile liquid formed by the fermentation of sugars which has an intoxicating effect on certain carbon-based life forms. Like most food and cuisine, Dalacari beverages are usually served in pairs, and intended to be enjoyed by each form. The shared sensation of taste would allow the beverage to reach its full flavor potential, though in the event of consumption by a single instance lifeform, the drinks can be mixed together.

The Kalawam uses a local fruit that is a 86% match for Strawberry.

On the topic of local cuisine, many of the various foodstuffs on the menu of various cafes and restaurants are subject to change with the trends. Beverages and food stuffs that are trendy with the local urban cluster will be promoted to the top of any local menus, while unpopular items will see their position on any menu systems brought to the bottom, or potentially put on sale to promote sales and boost trends. On Dalacar, being all the rage is all the rage.

Leisure and Recreation

While it is true that if the Dalacari were any more laid back that they'd need a wellness check, they do enjoy an awful lot of the finer things in life. Art and music, shows and cinema, with a lifestyle where all the menial tasks are handled for them they have more time to devote to their leisure. Dalacari sports come in two distinctions: Contact and Non-Contact. Contact sports are entirely drone participation, making it less about individual player skill and more about the skill of the coaches and strategy of the sideline operators. Non-Contact sports are the kind the Dalacari participate in, and are very much like Golf. Oddly enough another past-time that Dalacari enjoy is range shooting. The feel of firing a firearm is something that most Dalacari find intriguing or exciting and to be able to do so with no true risk is always a plus.

Currently the most widely watched sport in all of the Republic is a sport called "Fling", a deceptively simple game with a ton of talent and strategy behind it. Fling is a game played on vast, beautiful courses with a designated start and a cage at the end. The game is played with hardened plastic flat disks a centimeter in thickness and about twelve centimeters in diameter. The rules are simple: Get the disk into the cage. Courses range in length from twenty five to one hundred meters, and have various forms of terrain spaced around in a pleasant display. The objective is to complete each course in the lowest number of throws, calculating in penalties for landing in certain terrain.

Each player throws their Fling Disk from the starting area, allowing to take up to one full step to build up momentum. From there, disks are thrown from where they land. Flingers are allowed to take a step before they throw until they are within ten meters of the cage, in which case they must remain all feet on the field. Landing in the various terrain imposes penalties. Landing in the green imposes nothing. Sand adds a penalty. Landing in the water imposes a penalty and the Fling Disk must be thrown from the shortest distance from where it landed. Throwing out of bounds is heavily frowned upon as it might hurt someone, and thus imposes twice the penalty.

After the initial throw, play begins from the Fling Disk furthest away from the cage, then the next furthest, and so on until everyone has had their second toss. Then the order is recalculated again. Fling is usually played on either 7 or 14 track courses, with championships having 21 tracks. Due to the vast amount of land required to host Fling, these courses are also either nature preserves or protected parks for community use. While not in use for competitive play, parks will limit Fling players to the first three tracks, and will place markers and assistant drones at the edges to warn passers by that there is a game in session and to watch for flying disks.

Science and Technology

Dalacari offensive weaponry is slightly behind Federation standard on terms of raw power. Standard ship to ship offensive weaponry consists of a Biphase Array, an energy weapon that projects a beam that rapidly shifts between positive and negative frequencies. This rapid shift in modulation is what causes the majority of the damage. Aside from energy weapons, Dalacari ships also carry racks of ship to ship missiles with plasma warheads.

As for personnel equipment, Dalacari gear heavily focuses on defense and medical treatment. Combat armor monitors vitals of the bioform wearing it. Weaponry consists of scaled down phase projectors, along with ground to ground or ground to air missiles with micro plasma warheads.

Dalacari starships have two of everything, including the primary reactor. Each alternates 60/40 activity to maximize lifetime. Shield generators project two layers of shields which, while each weaker than a single layer, allow the shields to be recharged faster. What they lack in offensive capacity they more than make up for in defensive thinking. Dalacari shields can recharge frighteningly quick, and their inertial dampening systems help soften the blows the crew would take from being tossed around the interior of the craft. To further aid in injury mitigation, Dalacari seats are equipped with a restraint system.

With the invention of the 'Thinking Engine', Dalacari drone technology escalated quickly. Machines that can be taught a task, and then teach that task to others, allowed for the integration of drone technology into many facets of Dalacari life. Most well-to-do Dalacari have a drone in their household to handle simple tasks, while military applications for drone technology have almost completely removed Dalacari from the battlefield.

Following is a list of the advanced technologies attributed to the Dalacari Republic:

  • Dual-Core Matter Reactor: The Dalacari form of energy production is a two-core matter / anti-matter reactor system. Similar to the Federation designs, though differing only in the Dalacari mindset of never having ONE of something. Dalacari craft have EPS networks that are compatible with Federation technology with only minimal modifications to the installed system.
  • Thinking Engine: The heart of the Dalacari drone swarm is stored within the host ship. An advanced computer network used by Dalacari drone systems, the Thinking Engine is a cloud matrix where advanced combat tactics are stored and updated by the drones as they are utilized. Dalacari already allow their drones a high degree of autonomy to prevent a single jamming system or a simple hack to bring the network down, and the Thinking Engine allows those drones to ‘evolve’ as the combat continues. The Thinking Engine allows Drones to update every other drone in the swarm of which combat tactics are more effective than others at defeating the current enemy. Successful tactics are propagated while failed tactics are marked as such. Eventually, the swarm will begin to learn and adapt, making prolonged combat with Dalacari drones a risky venture. Whenever a Dalacari craft docks at a starbase to resupply, the Thinking Engine also provides the starbase with its full database of successful and unsuccessful tactics, and receives a similar listing.
  • Redundant System Design: Ships designed with this in mind have at least two of every vital system, and perhaps more than two of any non-vital system. These ships will have a second reactor, additional shield generators, multiple vital systems and in-ship locations (Medical, Science, etc). Disabling one single system will require twice as much work. Though, ships built with this design are at least 20% larger than a ship of their class should be, to account for all the additional space such systems take up.


Dalacari do not truly hold a standing military thanks to the advancement of the Thinking Engine system, though there is still a volunteer force. Dalacari almost never train as standard infantry soldiers, though, instead training as Drone Operators, Long-Range Recon, or even snipers. Despite their reluctance to engage in military actions, it is of note that Dalacari make frighteningly efficient snipers. With their shared senses and two body / one mind physiology, a Dalacari sniper can spot and shoot with incredible precision and accuracy, then move to the next sniping location all without breaking silence. The only disadvantage of such a unit is the same disadvantage that comes with fielding any Dalacari unit: Injure one of the bioforms and you've effectively neutralized the pair.

The GX-80 Dalacari Sniper Rifle
To accent their talents as snipers, the standard issue Dalacari Sniper rifle is the GX-80, a coil rifle with a built in replicator and on-the-spot velocity controls for sub-sonic or supersonic projectiles. Mission specific and target specific rounds are replicated directly on an as-needed basis, from anti-personnel rounds composed of a soft metal designed to maximize damage against a soft target, up to osmium based armor piercing rounds with an iridium core, designed to pierce shuttlecraft hulls and lodge themselves in nacelles to impede safe formation of warp fields. The coil rifle is powered by an external source, usually carried as a backpack on the shooter.

Other standard features of the GX-80 include internal baffles for sound moderation, electronic observer optic package with automatic adjustment for coreolis, gravity, temperature, wind and air density. In the hands of a trained sniper the GX-80 is a lethal weapon that just needs a well trained spotter. In the hands of a Dalacari, the weapon is complete, and usually can keep a small force pinned down.

Military applications in drone warfare are leaps and bounds ahead of other fields. Thinking Engine systems installed in fighter jet craft keep the Dalacari safe. These virtual intelligences are not true AI but rather complex decision gates and protocols. Strict rules and protocols protect the Dalacari from a drone uprising. To prevent jamming of the Drones, each drone has a full copy of the full combat program routine, and only communicates to the other drones when an update to the battle stratagem needs to be shared. Effective battle tactics are promoted, while failed or less-effective tactics are demoted. In essence, the Dalacari combat drones 'evolve' with each passing minute.

Larger class ships also carry fighter craft, though the fighters are drones controlled by a "thinking engine", a military grade virtual intelligence. Hardly even close to AI, the virtual intelligence is nothing more then a hyper complex set of protocols and instructions. With each successful sortie, the VI recompile itself with the successful tactics of the sortie. With an entire wing in communication with one another, successful tactics get distributed as they are being implemented. With enough combat simulations and actual combats, the drones are ALMOST as good as flesh and blood.

Due to this advancement in technology, the Dalacari do not actually have a standing army. Dalacari armies are a volunteer force, supplemented by drone forces. Wherever possible, Dalacari rather lose a drone than risk lives. While others may view this as cowardly, the Dalacari will point out that sometimes the cowards are all that survive.

Drone fighter wings are identified by callsign. There is no actual lead craft, so there's no distinct callsign for the leader. The parent craft is simply "Actual" like many other military protocols.

Listed below are the known offensive and defensive systems used by the Dalacari Republic. It is important to note that due to the Dalacari's heavy reliance on Drone fighters for their frontline defense that almost every class of Dalacari craft can be classified as a Carrier of sorts. Only the smallest yachts could be excluded from this designation as they only carry two fighter drones to act as scouts and escorts more than defensive fighters.

  • Drone Combat System: Almost every Dalacari craft is also classified as a Carrier, with the exception of the actual Drones themselves. Dalacari ships carry drone fighters to supplement their offensive systems. The drones are stored in a flattened, collapsed state but quickly deploy and seemingly unfold once launched. These drones are not powered by their host ship nor are they remote controlled, so the standard tactic of frequency jamming does not instantly incapacitate the Dalacari drone swarm. Though, it will hinder the Thinking Engine from updating them on viable battle tactics.
  • Bi-Phase Array: The primary weapon system of the Dalacari consists of tightly packed dual beams of projected energy that resonate at dangerous modulations at an incredibly rapid rate. The oscillation of these energy beams is what causes the principal amount of damage, rather than the energy beams themselves. This allows for longer periods of fire as less energy is used, though even under optimal circumstances, Biphase Array systems are considered inferior to current phaser arrays, with the most modern Biphase Array being the equal of the Type XI Phaser Array. Still consideration must be given to the Biphase Array, as it is still a dangerous weapon to encounter. Dalacari Drones are equipped with a miniature version of the same class of weaponry as their accompanied craft, so care must be given to these swarming fighters.
  • Plasma Warhead: The primary torpedo design of the Dalacari is a medium yield energized matter warhead. Rather than utilizing antimatter as a payload, a Plasma Torpedo generates a highly excited, electrically charged mass contained within an electromagnetic field. Upon detonation, the field is collapsed and the energized mass explodes. While incredibly destructive, the damage is inferior to a true anti-matter warhead. Though, plasma warheads do exceptional damage to any target within an atmosphere. The fact that the warhead is stable in a zero-power environment also helps armory chiefs breathe easier.
  • Layered Shields: Dalacari defensive technology far outpaced their offensive technology, shown in the form of layered defenses. Utilizing multiple shield projectors of identical harmonics and repelling magnetic polarity, Layered Shields operate at a higher output, but that output is divided more or less evenly between two layers of protective energy. In total, Layered Shields provide 120% of the protective coverage as standard, Single Layer shields, though this protection is divided between two layers, each operating at 60% protection. When one layer is pierced, the second layer continues to protect while the outer layer recharges. Piercing layered shields requires more effort than standard shields, but layered shields usually require more energy to maintain. The largest class of Dalacari craft have an improved version of this technology. Only ships with an incredibly powerful reactor, an incredibly efficient energy system, or those that are built with a Redundant System Design have the energy output necessary to make Layered Shields a viable option. Only Redundant Systems can power the Improved Layered shield variant.

Dalacari Ship Specifications:

Dalacari Megastructures: