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Survey Data
Star System:

Katari system


United Federation of Planets


Beta Quadrant



First Contact:

2266, USS Saratoga

Political Information

Federation Member


J'til, Katari

Political System:



5.7 billion

Biological Information

Hermaphrodite Humanoid

Atmosphere type:


Development Stage:

Warp capable


Peaceful, Diplomatic

Number of Eyes:


[ Source ]

The Katarans are a humanoid race of hermaphrodites who are a relatively new member of the Federation.


Up To The GAC.

First Contact

They were contacted by Capt Skoril in 2366 and because of the Katarans’ natural leanings towards peace, First Contact with Earth was very peaceful. The Kataran ship brought the Saratoga to the homeworld, where Skoril and the first officer met the President and a few members of Parliament before setting off again with the promise of sending an ambassador.


The populace votes for people to represent them and carry their issues to the Parliament in J’til and a president to oversee this and veto and disapprove laws as necessary. The president cannot pass laws hirself. The judicial branch is separate from either legislative or executive branches, however it was written into their laws that the Grand Court does not have the right to rewrite the laws.


The Katarans look largely humanoid except their hair and eyes are not the typical colors and are also a race of hermaphrodites, each member of the species being either mother or father. Their hair colors vary between red, violet and green, red the most common and green being rare. Their eyes tend to be one color, however they get lighter and darker with the light. They can be violet, blue, pink, or even aqua and can vary between very dark and pale. Their skin is medium to fair and as stated before, their bodies have both male and female genitalia with small to medium breasts.

A Kataran carries his/her children for a period of 10 months, the newborn normally being around seven to nine pounds in weight, and around eighteen to twenty-four inches in length. The child reaches maturity around thirty years of age physically and requires an additional 3 years for mental and emotional development. Thus, Katarans are not eligible to apply to Starfleet Academy before the age of thirty-one. The children's eyes may change in color anywhere from one to three times before remaining the same at age five.

They are psi-blind and as such appear as black holes to telepaths such as Betazoids and Vulcans.


While the Katarans are peacemakers who seek out other races to befriend, they are not above defending themselves. In their area of space, they have been called upon to be negotiators at several disputes in the region. They do not like taking sides and as such did not want to join the Federation until there was more peace in their part of the galaxy. Family is above all and and one of the most important things in their lives and as such their society has stepped up its scholastic programs. Now, Katari has some of the best schools in the quadrant, among them the Katari Academy of Science and the Medical University of Katari.


The Katarans used to have a religion a long time ago but not anymore because they realized that religion gave them too many reasons to fight one another and cast aside their beliefs in higher beings.

Science and Technology

The Katarans are capable of Warp 8 and have disruptors similar to the Ferengi in 2357. They worked more on their medical technology than their weapons, being natural pacifists, and as such their medical technology is as good or better than the Federation’s is today. They are also scientists and love to learn, not just about their own world and region of space, but also about the stars, other worlds, languages, cultures, and species. They also have an interest in the distant past of their own world and others.