Pegasus Fleet By-Laws

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Under the Pegasus Fleet Constitution, certain by-laws may be created to assist in the administration of the fleet. They are numbered in the order that they were passed.

By-Laws pertaining to general players

By-Law #1 - Disallowed Characters

Whilst Pegasus Fleet recognises and welcomes a wide array of variety in the characters that are included within, there are some races within the Star Trek universe that are simply too powerful, or would have no place In-Character on a sim within the fleet. As such, the Pegasus Fleet Admiralty enacts the following list of characters and races which are disallowed from sims in the fleet, effective on the date this by-law is passed:

  1. No form of shapeshifter (Changelings, Chameloids, 8472...)
  2. No Borg, unless free from the collective.
  3. No Androids , Augments or mobile emitter-equipped Holograms.
  4. No Q, half-Q, Q in human form, etc
  5. No races from the Delta Quadrant.
  6. No races from "ST:Enterprise" that may have been erased as a result of the "Time War" (Xindi, Suliban, etc)
  7. No races from the opposing side of recent wars or of a hostile nature to Starfleet without permission from the ship’s TFCO.
  8. No characters with physical or mental powers beyond those shown by major characters on the shows/movies (Excluding other disallowed races)
  9. No characters from official sources, or their relations.

Pegasus Fleet recognises that at times races or characters on this list may be an important aspect of missions sims within the fleet run. As such, this list only applies to active Playing Characters, and does not restrict the use of mission-specific Non-Player Characters (NPCs). If you are unsure whether a character or a race would qualify as a disallowed race, then you may consult with the next step up on your Chain of Command, who will attempt to clarify on a case-by-case basis where required.