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Basic information

Aria Marger is a Federation Starfleet officer serving as the chief counselor of the Sentinel-class USS Eagle.

Physical Appearance

Aria is a confident woman and it shows. She is not exceptionally beautifull but she doesnt need it. When she walks into a room she gets noticed. Aria smiles quickly and is curious about allmost everything. You will often see her walking up to meet new people or gazing on a PADD with something interesting written on it.

Aria normally wears her hair up, nice and tidy. When her locks hang down they are wavy if not curly. She is small, 1.65 meters and has a normal posture. She hates wearing thick make up so she looks very natural but she knows what to wear for any occasion. She is often remarked as elegant.


General Overview

Aria is confident in her own actions and even if she is not, she acts confident. She has learned that from her mother who was a speaker for the great houses on Betazet. She is very spontanious and likes to chat to everyone. You might think she is naive because she is not shy to tell about herself but then you are wrong. Small things she will tell but her true worries are hidden deeply within her.

Aria hates fights and irritations between people she would allways try to resolve an argument but will never use force to stop someone.

She likes to hear peoples stories and tries to help them with their problems personal or material. Her friends say she is very kind and has a warm personality. She is deeply in love with Taban and she would do almost anything for his happiness.

Strengths & Weaknesses

Aria has a strong personality and really wants to help people. She is very good at it too. She has a clear mind and can think outside the box. She is kind, helpful and curious.

Aria has some problems understanding and dealing with agressive behavior and destructive natures. If a fight will break out she wouldn't know what to do.

Sometimes she is to conviced that she is right and will not budge on the subject.

Aria is too curious sometimes and that has gotten her into minor trouble. And she pushes herself to much at times putting others first until the point she completely forgets herself.


She wanted to get away from the life on Betazed and never stop searching for ways to satisfy her curiousity and insterests, she wants to learn everything about the new people and races she meets.

Taban's proposel made Aria think of her own family. Most of all she just want to be happy together with Taban.

Hobbies & Interests

Aria likes cooking she followed a special course while she was in the acadamy to learn special dishes from across the universe. She knows that people talk more freely over a meal and has used it many times that way. She likes talking and chatting, watching plays and stories. Aria likes to listnen to music but she never learned to play an instrumen. Aria also likes to hear poetry. To keep herself fit she practises Yoga and Tai Chi, the last she picked up at Taban's recommendation.

Lately a new interest has captivated her: Her pet Yula. Yula is een Emeraldien Shade cat. Aria wants to learn everything about her and spends hours playing and teaching Yula things.


Father: Talmus Marger-Grasun
Mother: Manthana Marger
Sister(s): Mameta, Nixandra, Krixia (all older then Aria)
Other Family: some nieces and cousins, her grandmother Matrhoni


Aria Marger is the 4th daughter of her family her mother Mathana was famous for her speeches to the great houses of Betazed. Her father practically raised Aria on his own becuase of the busy shedule her mother had. Her mother was also more involved with her other sisters especially the oldest one Mameta. She followed in her mothers footsteps after the dominion war ended. Aria's father was her biggest fan and he loves her with everything he has in him, they also can sense each other from a very long distance. He stimulated her to follow her own dreams.

When the dominion troubles were starting Mathana (Aria's mother) called a friend on earth. The whole extended family went to earth and not a moment to soon. A few days later Betazet was occupied but the family was safe. Aria never wanted to know what horrors ecactly happened back home, but the results were undeniable. The family moved back to betazet as soon it was safe. Much was destroyed but the family was not without resources and began rebuilding their home with the help of the many friends they had. Their family also helped rebuild the homes of many others, this made her family rise in importance. Bezazet had changed forever, and for everyone it was a difficult time.

Her time on earth made Aria very curious about other races and cultures. When Aria got a little older she felt she was not needed back home and decided to enroll into the starfleet academy. Her mother was dissapointed that she didnt also folow in her footsteps but her father was very proud and kept her mother from interfering with Aria's dreams.

In the acadamy Aria had great difficulty with the destructive and aggressive nature of some individuals. One time a big fight between four students broke out, and Aria was so upset she ran outside and started crying until a friend noticed her and went with her to a betazoid teacher. He explained to her not everyone could be peachfull all the time and that even when fights occurd that it was seldom so bad that the ones who fought could not be reasond with afterwards.

Aria worked hard and got good grades. She also enrolled in a cooking class to learn dishes from various homeworlds and she began hosting dinnerpartys to her friends. Her friends allways were glad to get en invitation and she soon became famous for it and was asked to prepair the food for the partys of others aswell. Aria loved the attention and the compliments she allways got by it. Aria had a lot of friends but except for a few flings no serious relationships.

When she was assigned to the USS Schweitzer she was overwhelmed at first. it was a very big medical ship and very busy. But her mentor Doctor Braun helped her learn the inns and outs of the real counseling job. wich was very diffirent then the acadamy. Doctor Braun was also a medical brain specialist. And allways challanged Aria to learn more and do better. She did great and got noticed by her superiors. She got the offer to have her own counseling department on the Edisson and took it without hesitation. She was sad to leave her mentor and friends but happy to take on the care of a whole new crew on a whole new ship.

On one of the missions Aria saved a creature from the planet Emerald. She named it Yula and its now her pet and lives in her quarters. Aria and Yula are best buddies now and Yula is very protective of her, but learning to accept other crewmembers. Aria recently got promoted to Lieutenant.

The news came sudden and the transfer was quick. Aria was a proud memeber of the crew of USS Anubis. On the Anubis Taban and Aria became romanticly involved.

Her stay on the USS Anubis was a brief one because in their first mission the captain had left for mysterious personal medical reasons and the USS Anubis was decommisioned. Aria was reassigned to the USS Galahad. A brand new ship with brand new opportunities. She and Taban had stayed together and on a beautiful evening while having shore leave Taban proposed to Aria, she accepted and is now his fiancee. Which means she is allso a to be crown princess for the ECON on earth.

Aria didn't like leaving many friends behind but when the oppurtunity for a transfer was presented Aria and Taban decided to go for it.

Service Record

  • 2386 Transfer to USS Eagle
  • 2386 Transfer to USS Galahad
  • 2386 transfer to USS Anubis
  • 2386 promoted to Lieutenant
  • 2386 lieutenant (jg) | Enstated as Chief counselor on the USS Edison.
  • 2381 ensign | counselor on the USS Schweitzer
  • 2380 senior cadet | Starfleet academy
  • 2379 junior cadet | Starfleet academy
  • 2378 Sophomore | Starfleet academy
  • 2377 Freshman | Starfleet academy