Thersoan ch'Sas

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Basic information

Thersoan ch'Sas is a noted Andorian crime author whose detailed works of literary fiction have earned him numerous plaudits and awards from across the Alpha Quadrant. ch'Sas' first book was published when he was thirty years old and he has released seven novels to date.

Current Work

ch'Sas is a private man who keeps much of his work and practices secret. However, rumours have been circulating among his fans that his next novel will focus on the mysterious deaths of Federation & Cardassian diplomats at a recent conference on Starbase 332.


  1. The One True Way (2362)
  2. The Enlightenment (2365)
  3. What Becomes Of The Bold (2369)
  4. Necessities (2373)
  5. Life In The Cold (2377)
  6. The Andorian Murders (2380)
  7. When Night Falls (2385)

Awards & Honours