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<font-size="small">This bio is in a concept stage, and may or may not be used at some point in the future in Pegasus Fleet</font>
Basic information
Captain Timothy Alan Williams is a noted Starfleet engineer and command officer serving in the latter half of the 24th century. The highlights of his career are his assignments as commanding officer of the USS Highlander and his command of Epsilon Force's Task Force 84.

Tim has a strong, handsome face, which has aged well. Though his face does show some wrinkles of age, most are due to the smile he almost always has on his face. He has brown hair with a few grey strands in, and brown, confident eyes. When out of uniform, he tends to dress quite casually, with jeans his most common garment, complimented by either a simple t-shirt or casual shirt. He isn't one to up-dress for any occasion - in fact, he hates having to wear his dress uniform anywhere.

Childhood & Pre-Starfleet Career

Tim was born as the third son in the Williams family in Detroit, in the USA on Earth. He attended school like all children in the Federation, and went to one located near his home that had strong roots in history as being a reputable school. His brothers all attended the school as well - John and Mark his older brothers, and later on his younger brother, Martin.

Tim's favourite class throughout school was Engineering, or what used to be called 'shop' in the 21st century equivalent, and he soon developed a passion for 20th and 21st century cars, and some even older vehicles too, recreating them in the local holosuites to work on them in his spare time. Tim soon became known as the class clown; always cracking jokes to his peers and often getting in trouble with his teachers for playing up. After his graduation, he decided to go and work for a garage that one of his brother John's friends ran, called "Tom & Joe's Garage". Tom & Joe's worked to repair small personal shuttles and all kinds of ground vehicles, though they rarely got much 'upper class' traffic, since they were seen as the grease monkeys of the area, and weren't a big enough company to be able to afford the tools to repair the larger and more expensive shuttles.

Tim's father Kevin had tried to convince him to make more of his life than wasting his hours in a local garage, and after two years working at Tom & Joe's, managed to get his son enrolled at the Starfleet Academy, hoping to not only make a better life for Tim, but also hoping that Starfleet would give him some discipline. Tim passed the general education course within the standard year, and was selected for officer training, and enrolled onto the course of his choice - Engineering.

Starfleet Career

Again proving to be the class clown, Tim made many friends at the Academy, and found a new challenge: Trying to make his new Vulcan friend Sath laugh; something to which he devoted hours with no success. Two years later, they both graduated and were assigned as Ensigns on the USS Merry Weather to serve as engineering officers.

The two had a relatively standard career as Starfleet engineers and Engineering always cheerful during Tim's shifts, despite Sath's logic slicing through some – or rather most – of his jokes. After serving for over a year on the vessel, Tim received a promotion to Lieutenant, Junior Grade - one rank grade above his logical friend. Soon after, during early 2356, the chiefs of security and engineering retired, and changes were made to the crew roster to accommodate their departure. Sath was promoted equal to Tim and transferred upon his request to become a security officer, while Tim was assigned as the ship's assistant chief engineer, replacing the officer who moved up to occupy the chief position.

In late 2356, pirates attacked the Merry Weather - thought to belong to the Marquis - and destroyed the ship. Most of the crew managed to make it out of the ship in time in shuttles and escape pods, but the Executive Officer was among those killed in the final explosion.

After rescue, Starfleet separated Tim and Sath; Tim received an assignment on the USS Athena as his friend was sent elsewhere. Tim was able to keep his position as assistant chief engineering officer, despite the transfer. Three years went by with Tim having a comparatively uneventful career until his promotion to full Lieutenant in 2359, at the age of 28. After two more years of uneventful service, he received a plea for help from his father.

Kevin Williams had also had a change in career, and now served as the captain of a civilian freighter - his wife and Tim's mother as his first mate. Their chief engineer had recently died of sickness, and they had been unable to find someone to help them keep the ship together. Tim agreed to go and help them, taking an extended leave of absence from Starfleet. It was on the cargo ship that he met and began dating who would become his future wife: Laura Smithe, who served as the ship's doctor.

After three years of helping on the freighter, Tim, his parents and Laura agreed it was time for him to return to his career, and he returned to Starfleet as the chief engineer of the small starship USS Aegis, with the provisional rank of lieutenant. One year later, he asked Laura to marry him, which was followed shortly by his reinstatement back to a full lieutenant. Tim managed to pull a few favours with his CO, and although the ship was small, managed to get Laura permission to come aboard and share his quarters. After two years of happy marriage, a healthy young girl by the name of Katherine Williams was born; named after her grandmother on Laura's side, who had recently passed away. This however proved that the Aegis was no place for a family of three, and in 2367 Tim put in for a transfer to Deep Space 6 as the chief engineer.

On the Celestial class station, there was plenty of room for the small, happy family. However, their quarters were destroyed in an attack on the station, and though Laura and Kathy were fine, Tim ended up spending weeks in sickbay. Ever still the joker, the chief medical officer always said he brought cheeriness to the gloomy ward, and that when he returned to active duty, the place never seemed the same again. After the incident, though, Tim had his families quarters moved deeper into the station for protection.

In 2373 the Dominion War began, and Tim was transferred to the front lines, returning to the USS Athena as the chief engineer. He insisted his family stay behind on DS6, saying that a front-line warship wasn't the place for a family. One year after the start of the war, for his exemplary service, Tim was promoted to Lieutenant Commander, and given the extra duties of second officer. By August however, the Athena had been destroyed in battle, and Tim was transferred to the USS Pathmaker. Though he lost his second officer status due to it already being taken, Tim was reunited with an old friend; Lieutenant Commander Sath, who served as the chief of security on the vessel.

In 2375, Laura divorced him by subspace message, saying that she couldn't hold up a marriage over such a long distance when he could die in battle any day, and that she had found someone else. She allowed him to keep all rights to come and see their daughter, now 8 years old. Later that year, the Pathmaker was critically damaged in deep space, and stranded without operable warp engines or communications and only half functional impulse drives. As the second officer was killed in an explosion, Tim was given the position, while he and his teams desperately tried to repair the ship. The Pathfinder finally made it back to a starbase in late 2375 to be repaired fully and see the end of the war. The ship was decommissioned four years later, at which time Tim enrolled on the command course back at Starfleet Academy in San Francisco. This provided him the perfect opportunity to see his daughter, as she and her mother had moved back to Earth; her mother single again, though not willing to restart her relationship with Tim. After the standard yearlong course, Tim graduated the command academy and was assigned to a position on the USS Wayward as the executive officer with a promotion to full commander; the same ship Sath had gone to serve on as the second officer of after the Pathmaker had been decommissioned. Tim used to have Kathy come and stay on the ship with him during her school holidays, up until she started college at seventeen and began getting a summer job, limiting their time together.

USS Highlander

In 2384, Tim was assigned as the commanding officer of the USS Highlander; an Intrepid class starship serving in Starfleet’s Sigma Division. His friend Sath accompanied him to Deep Space Nine, where the Wayward - of which he was to be the new executive officer - had made its shore leave, so as to give Tim transport to his new command. A mere few months after this, Sigma Division command appointed Tim to the rank of Captain, and named him the task force commander for Alpha Group in operating in the Gamma Quadrant.

Less than a year later, Admiral Janeway's petition for more exploration in the Delta Quadrant finally received approval from Starfleet Command, and the Highlander was re-assigned to Epsilon Force, with Tim moving from Task Group Alpha CO to command of Task Force 84 at the head of Starfleet’s foray into the new region of space. A year later, with the ships assigned to Epsilon Force reaching ever greater numbers and Tim having responsibility over more captains than ever before, he was promoted to the rank of Fleet Captain - a prestigious title, with less holders than even the rank of Vice Admiral.

At the end of 2386, Starfleet promoted Tim once again - this time to the rank of Commodore, which was a promotion he was not too pleased to receive. Though he was able to keep his active command and his flag on the Highlander, he hated the extra pomp and status that came with the flag rank, and often did all he could to discourage his crew from thinking of or referring to him differently. He even went so far as to do away with the gold piping on his standard uniform when aboard his ship.

Shortly after his promotion to commodore, Tim had a rather sudden change of circumstances. Recalled back to Earth, he was appointed to a desk job at Starfleet Command, with his first officer Commander Jonathan Black taking active command of the Highlander. It was during this same period that Tim learnt of a mission to Talos IV the forbidden planet; and Starfleet denied any knowledge of it. Any travellers to Talos IV faced the punishment of death, and Tim had learnt that his daughter, now a civilian scientist working on the project as an intern for Starfleet, had been one of the people sent.

Appalled, and fearing for his daughter, Tim led the Highlander, with Captain Black's full support, on a rescue mission to Talos IV to order the mission stopped, and remove all Starfleet personnel from the planet's surface. Unfortunately, they hadn't given the Admiral behind the mission a slip for long, and he soon came in, guns blazing and severely damaging the Highlander; forcing her to crash on the planet's surface, from where it would later be recovered, to prevent anyone from being drawn to Talos by any ghost readings of the ship. Tim did however manage to disband the operations on Talos, and force Starfleet to realise that if they attempted to continue with the mission, he would ensure that it was exposed.

Returning to Earth in custody, Tim and his senior staff faced a trial, with Tim shouldering the full responsibility as the officer in charge. Though the circumstances of his trip to Talos were mitigating factors in the decision, they only stopped him from receiving the most severe punishment for disobedience. He was instead demoted to the rank of Captain, and ordered to lecture at the Academy until a suitable posting could be found for him. It wasn't until months later that Tim learnt of the recovery of the Highlander, and used his contacts in the Corps of Engineers to push to get the ship restored to its former self, allowing him to receive command of it once again, almost two years later.

Tim and the Highlander were originally tasked to return to service with Epsilon Force in the Delta Quadrant, but after Romulus was damaged by the effects of the Hobus hypernova, Starfleet reassessed their priorities in their ship assignments. More craft were reassigned to the Alpha and Beta Quadrants in order to allow Starfleet to send more ships to assist the Romulans in dealing with their disaster. The Highlander was assigned to the border of the Neutral Zone after launch and though they didn’t have duties involving direct Romulan assistance, they did see their share of issues spilling over across the Neutral Zone.

In 2390, Starfleet decided that the Highlander’s services were needed elsewhere. The ship and captain were reassigned to the eleventh fleet, whilst almost the entirety of the remaining command crew was reassigned to different posts around the Federation. The Highlander’s crew was repopulated largely by former officers of the USS Endeavour, after that ship and its captain were presumed lost while on assignment near the outskirts of Klingon space.

Note: the above statement is a possible explanation for the use of the character in Pegasus Fleet.
The above scenario is one of many possibilities which may or may not happen. This character may not even be used at all.

Personal Life

Personal Relationships


Katherine Williams

Tim's daughter

Katie Williams

Tim's cousin; now Commodore Williams


Laura Smithe

Tim's ex-wife



Tim's old friend

Jill Garner

Admiral Garner; Tim's often superior


Tim's fleet commander during time as TF84 CO


Year Placement Rank Assignment
2351 Starfleet Academy
Cadet (First Year)
2352 Starfleet Academy
Cadet (Second Year)
2353 Starfleet Academy
Cadet (Third Year)
2354 Starfleet Academy
Cadet (Fourth Year)
2354-2355 USS Merryweather
Engineering Officer
2355-2356 USS Merryweather
Lieutenant JG
Assistant Chief Engineer
2356 - 2359 USS Athena
Lieutenant JG
Assistant Chief Engineer
2359 - 2361 USS Athena
Assistant Chief Engineer
2361 - 2364 Leave of Absence
2364 - 2365 USS Aegis
Provisional Lieutenant
Chief Engineer
2365 - 2369 USS Aegis
Chief Engineer
2369 - 2373 Deep Space 6
Chief Engineer
2373 - 2374 USS Athena Chief Engineer
2374 USS Athena Chief Engineer & Second Officer
2374 - 2375 USS Pathmaker Chief Engineer
2375 - 2379 USS Pathmaker Chief Engineer & Second Officer
2379 - 2380 Starfleet Academy Command Course Student
2380 - 2384 USS Wayward First Officer
2384 USS Highlander Commanding Officer
2384 - 2386 USS Highlander Commanding Officer
2386 USS Highlander
Fleet Captain
Commanding Officer
2386 USS Highlander Commanding Officer
2386 Starfleet Command Chief of Alpha Quadrant Exploration Operations
2388 - USS Highlander Commanding Officer

Preceded by:
Captain Jonathan Black
Commanding Officer of USS Highlander
2388 – Present
Succeeded by:
Preceded by:
Multiple; Unspecified
Engineering & Command Instructor, Starfleet Academy
2386 – 2388
Succeeded by:
Multiple; Unspecified
Preceded by:
Admiral Jill Garner
Chief of Alpha Quadrant Exploration Operations, Starfleet Command
Succeeded by:
Preceded by:
Commanding Officer of Task Force 84
2385 – 2386
Succeeded by:
Preceded by:
Commanding Officer of Task Group Alpha
2384 – 2385
Succeeded by:
Preceded by:
Commanding Officer of USS Highlander
2384 – 2386
Succeeded by:
Captain Jonathan Black